3 Habits I’m Implementing to Become the Best Version of Myself

morning routine, healthy morning routine, sarah adam hafez

Ok ladies, it’s the new year, time to focus on our dreams! My primary goal this year is to build a solid daily routine, and I have to say, I’ve successfully been doing so for the past few weeks. I started implementing these tiny habits into my routine before the new year because I thought it might take a little while to build on these habits, however, I was pleasantly surprised at how fast I got used to my new daily routine! It’s honestly been a game changer and I cannot wait to share what I’ve been doing.

+ Waking up at 5am: This is been a non negotiable for me this year. Waking up at 5 am allows for extra ‘me’ time before the day begins. This is when I get a workout in, journal, meditate / stretch and eat a nutritious breakfast. Getting a few hours to focus on myself before focusing on anything else helps me give my full attention to my family, my business and whatever else commands my focus. In a short few weeks, I’ve realized the value of this extra time and I would not change it for the world.

  • For workouts I’ve been doing Melissa Wood Health or spinning on my Soul Cycle bike. I love moving my body first thing in the morning. In addition to that, I walk for 45 mins to an hour with Humphrey in the evenings.
  • For breakfast, I eat oatmeal with fruit and a side of steamed broccoli or green beans. These foods are filling, give me energy and mental clarity for hours, so I can start my day with my best foot forward. I also have a cup of coffee with breakfast. My favorite new supplement to add to my morning coffee is the Dose and Co Vanilla Collagen Creamer. It provides benefits for my hair, skin, nails and joints + tastes absolutely delicious! I add 1 heaping TBS to my milk frother to mix the powder properly. It’s so good, you need to try it!

+ Reading / Listening to Podcasts Instead of Watching TV: It’s so easy to get sucked into the routine of watching TV after working all day but this year, I’m determined to get away from my addiction of binge watching shows. I mean, its been two years since 2020 so it’s time. I’ve cancelled my Youtube TV and Apple TV subscriptions and honestly, I feel so liberated! I still use my families Netflix account for ‘occasionally’ watching some movies + shows but for the most part I’ve been listening to podcasts or reading. I’ve taken whatever money I was spending on TV subscriptions and used it to get an Audible subscription. Now I listen to books/ podcasts while I’m walking Humphrey, folding the laundry, cooking or doing dishes. It’s such an efficient way to spend time doing mundane tasks.

+ Cutting Out Processed Sugar: I thought this would be the hardest thing to do but I was shocked at how fast I adapted to a processed sugar free lifestyle. I’ll admit, the first three days were tough but I trained myself to eat fruit whenever I’m craving sweets, and in just a few short weeks, the cravings have completely disappeared. My skin is glowing, my mind is clear and I have so much energy. I never though I would be ‘that girl’ adding a side of steamed vegetables to every meal, but here I am, and it feels so good!

What are some habits you’re wanting to add into your daily routine?
